莎翁《潘金莲外传》改编。整体比较愉悦和养眼的校园青春爱情电影。影片启用了很多明日之星,JuliaStiles是魅力比较特别的女演员,尽管她很多角度并不好看,But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all 念出这段台词时楚楚动人。也许是希斯莱杰和囧瑟夫戏里戏外牌面都大过两姐妹,所以主创也没有安排两人花费太多周折就追女到手。
2/5 Despite the hype this one has garnered up to its screening, the final product just does not live up to the expectation. Sure, who doesn't love a gargantuan haunted Catholic convent laying in ruins? But the gorgeous costumes and settings are not an excuse for such a weak and nonsensical narrative. Unfortunately, James Wan's horror-popping franchise is in decline, at least artistically speaking.